Welcome to your Q&A for Governments 1. What is the importance of data protection and privacy laws in a country? To protect government data from scrutiny. They provide a framework of principles, rights and sanctions on data rights. A country does not need data protection and privacy laws. None 1 out of 6 2. What is data governance? The exercise of authority on data users. Being governed by data. None 2 out of 6 3. Who is responsible in protecting data rights Citizens Tech Companies Civil Society Organizations Governments None 3 out of 6 4. How many countries in Africa have data protection laws? 54 10 24 None 4 out of 6 5. Should Data Rights be treated as Human Rights? Yes No I don’t know None 5 out of 6 6. Does the government have authority to conduct surveillance on citizen data? Yes No I don't know None 6 out of 6 Time's up Share this post Share on WhatsAppShare on WhatsApp Share on LinkedInShare on LinkedIn Pin itShare on Pinterest Share on XShare on X Share on FacebookShare on Facebook